Peru, known as the Republic of Peru, is a country in western South America, north of Ecuador and Colombia, east and Brazil and Bolivia border, south of Chile, west of the Pacific Ocean, is a member of the Association of South American countries.
Peru gave birth to one of the earliest civilizations of the Americas, one of the earliest prehistoric civilizations, as well as the former Anglo-American empire of the first populace. In the 16th century, the Spanish Empire conquered the Inca empire, the establishment of the Peruvian governorate, containing most of the Spanish colonies in South America. After independence in 1821, Peru experienced both political turmoil, financial crisis, and political stability and economic development.
The present Peru is the presidential system of democratic republics, the country is divided into 25 regions. The Andes are traversing the land north and south, the western coastal areas are arid plains, the eastern part of the Amazon basin of tropical rain forest. Peru is a developing country with a moderate level of human development. About 50% of the country"s population lives in poverty. The main economic activities are agriculture, fisheries, mining and manufacturing (eg, textiles).
The population is 30,946,000 (2013), ethnic groups include Indian Aborigines, Europeans, Africans and Asians. The official language is Spanish, some areas are generic Quechua and other dialects. The integration of national cultural traditions creates a pluralistic expression in the fields of art, diet, literature and music.
Peru"s original inhabitants are Chichia, Aimara, Mochika and Puccina and other Indians. The eleventh century AD, the Indians to Cusco City as the capital, in the plateau region established the "Inca Empire", agriculture and handicraft industry highly developed. In the 13th century, the Inca tribe grew out of the Cusco basin, occupying the whole of Peru and some areas in 1438, establishing the Inca empire (see Inca civilization) with the capital of Cusco. In 1531, P. Pizarro led the Spanish expedition to invade the Inca empire, and on November 16th, the captain of the king of India and India, Ata Valpa, in Cahamarca, extorted a large number of treasures and treacherously executed him. In 1533, Peru became a Spanish colony.
In 1542, the Spanish royal family in Lima set up the governorate, the establishment of the Peruvian governorate, became Spain in the South American colonial center. At that time, Peru developed commercial, businessman manipulated most of the South American import and export trade, the Spaniards from South America plundered precious metals and other materials are shipped from Peru. The colonists in the Peruvian occupation of land, forced the implementation of "Mita system", forcing the Indians to the mine engaged in slavery labor, resulting in a large number of Indian deaths. In order to oppose the Spanish colonial rule, the Indians held several uprisings, of which the larger 1535 Manko Uprisings, the 1742 Juan Santos Uprising and 1780 ~ 1781 Tupac Amaru Uprising.
July 28, 1821 declared independence, the establishment of the Republic of Peru. October 28, 1835 Bolivia and Peru formally merged, called the Peruvian Bolivian Confederation. On February 20, 1839, the Confederation was completely disintegrated. Abolition of slavery in 1854. Between 1879 and 1883, Peru joined Bolivia with Chile to fight the South American Pacific War for the production of salt. After the defeat of Peru, Chile seized the world"s largest producer of salt and potatoes in Tarapaca province, and controlled the Peruvian provinces of Tacna and Alika.
In 1929 the two sides through peaceful negotiations, Peru recovered Tacna province. 1933 and Colombia border war, secret defeat. October 1948 Odalia launched a military coup came to power. In June 1963, the People"s Action Party, Berenade Terry, was elected president. On October 3, 1968, Lieutenant General Velasco Army became the president after the coup. August 29, 1975 General Morales took over the regime, in 1977 announced the "return to the people". In 1980 held a democratic election to restore the government government. From 1990 to 2000, "Reform 90" leader Fujimori (Japanese) two presidents, in November 2000 resigned in exile in Japan. 2001 to 2006, "Peru feasible" party leader Toledo president. From 2006 to 2011, Apra Party leader Garcia served as president. On July 28, 2011, the Chairman of the Nationalist Party, Uma, became President for a term of five years.
The country is divided into 24 provinces and one directly affiliated area (Kaya region). The names of the provinces are as follows:
Province of Arkansas, Ankas province, Apulimak province, Arequipa province, Ayacucho province, Kahama province, Cusco province, Vancouver province, Vanuke province, Iraq Province of Lecce, province of province, province of province Puno Province, St. Martin"s Province, Tacna Province, Tumbai Province, Uruguay Province.
The capital Lima (lima), population 781.67 million (2005). The annual average temperature of 18.7 ℃, known as "the world is not rain city".
Location domain
Peru is located in the west of South America with an area of 1285216㎞². North of Ecuador, Colombia, east of Brazil, south of Chile, southeast and Bolivia adjacent to the west of the Pacific Ocean. The coastline is 2254 kilometers long.
Andes slopes north and south, mountainous areas accounted for 1/3 of the country. The whole area is divided into three regions from west to east: the western coastal areas are narrow and arid areas, which are tropical desert areas, dry and gentle, with intermittent distribution of plains, irrigated agriculture developed, urban population concentration; central mountainous plateau area For the Andean mountain, the average elevation of about 4300 meters, the birthplace of the Amazon; the eastern part of the Amazon rainforest, is the upper reaches of the Amazon River Basin, for the foothills and alluvial plains, year-round high temperature and rain, forests all over, Newly developed oil producing areas.
Koropuna and Salkan mountains are more than 6,000 meters above sea level, Vascaran Mountain 6768 meters above sea level, the highest point for Peru. The main rivers are the Ukaa River and the Putumayo River. The southern part of the central volcano, frequent earthquakes, southeast and Bolivia at the junction of South America"s second largest lake of Lake Titicaca Lake. Central of the northern part of the coast and offshore oil. Offshore waters of rich anchovy (Peru sardines) and other fishery resources, coastal islands have a large number of bird dung layer. Forest area accounts for 51% of the territory.
The whole territory from west to east is divided into tropical desert, plateau and tropical rain forest climate. The western part of Peru is a tropical desert, grassland climate, dry and moderate, the annual average temperature of 12 ~ 32 ℃; the central temperature changes, the annual average temperature of 1 ~ 14 ℃; eastern tropical rain forest climate, the annual average temperature of 24 ~ 35 ℃. Capital average temperature of 15 ~ 25 ℃. Annual precipitation in the west less than 50 mm, the central 200 to 1000 mm, east in 2000 mm above.
Time zone
West Fifth District (UTC-5), 5 hours later than Greenwich Mean Time, 13 hours later than Beijing time.
标签: peru
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